Selasa, 15 September 2009

the most memorable experience in my life..

when I was in senior high school, my friends and I got some punishments that I never forget. It was a holiday for Moslems which was called "Idhul Adha". We planed something that could spend our holiday time. It could be a great time for us because we never did this before. We were in 3rd grade of senior high school actually. it was a must for us who were school in my senior high school by living in some dormitories. In the morning of that day, we decided to escape from our dormitory without any permission to watch some movies in another city by bus. When we went back to our dormitory, we thought it would be ok for us because we did it. We really shock after we knew that those kinds of punishments were so hard. Our dorm head called our parents, we had to get our headmaster's signature and of course we got his long-long speech. Next we had to pay some money, clean a wide room for a week and rewrite an Al-Baqoroh surah. After that day, we were afraid of did something like that again. No unobedient, no punishment!! That was enough.

Kamis, 03 September 2009

wanna write indonesian!!

doh...i'm sorry to my lecturer,for being like this...hehe..
rada ribet kadang nulis pke english,kesanya kyak g full gto deh...
klo di suruh milih mana, Q bakalan milih punya 2 blog, tapi email cuman ntu...
ya sutra lah...
antara hidup dan makan pilih yg mana??
kalo aQ ya makan...karena dari makan orang2 kayak qte gini bise tetep idup..
llha kalo g bisa makan, bisa2 mati khan???hahaha...
so...i prefer eat then others...(dasar gembul!!)khukhukhu...
kadang idup ini emang cuman dipenuhin sama kaberuntungan...
kyang yang uda2 aQ alamin slama ini..
dari spm-sMA alhamdullilah msuk 10 besar, eah tpi kelas 2 spm penah mlengse dikit ke peringkat 18!wow jauhX...mpe di marahin wali kelas tuh..
pikirQ, kadang beljarQ jg g rajin2 amat...
tp mesti bisa lolos dari sidang pleno yng menentukan mana yg layak wat nerusin skul or mana yang kudu di DO.
di SMA pz ini(kejam skulQ)..uda banyak memakan korban!!
dengan adanya keberuntunga di tanganQ, aQ hampir g pernah ikut yg namanya program remidial yg di adain SMAq yg isinya biasanya buayak anak. tu beratri aQ uda megang lampu iijo khan...
yah gitu seterusnya...phal ank yang keliatanya jauh lebih top cer dapd aQ malah noleX g memuaskan...feel guilty enough.-_-
intinya...hidup juga g bisa terus menggantungkan keberuntungan..
guruQ pernah bilang gini": orang bodoh kalah sm orang pinter, orang pinter kalah sm orang c erdas, orang cerds tentunya bisa kalah sama oganr beruntung"
emang tu kata-kata majur abiz...realita abizzz...
stuck de jadinya...hope to see u guys latter...

last thursday

it was a good day..i still had fasting n so my friends 11 pm, my friends n i were sitting on the greengrass of my faculty. we did some exercises and just talked each others while i was browsing in the ihternet. the good news was, my senior n his friends were sitting beside us. pretty near fromm made me so flowering and my friends knew about what i felt in that time,hehehe..because they've known that i admired him for along time..i was so happy.hahaha...the cool of wind also cooling my heart!!
and for the night, i had an embarrassing experience!!it was so embarrassing...hahahahaha...

Selasa, 01 September 2009

2nd day..

i just realized that i'm not a smart person.. sometimes, my life is full of lucky.. hav no idea... hohoho...